Custom Antminer Overclock Firmware
Peak Performance Bitcoin Mining and More Profits
Energy Savings and Higher Hashrates
Safely Overclock
Your Miners
- S19 (88)
- S19 Pro
- S19 Pro A
- S19+
- S19a
- S19a Pro
- S19i
- S19j
- S19j Pro
- S19j Pro A
Make sure to UNLOCK SSH before installing specific firmware!
Instructions are included in the download for an easy step-by-step tutorial.
All Antminer S9 / S9i / S9j Versions
Only Antminer S17 Models Released Before April 2019
Why Choose Our Custom Antminer Firmware Over Regular Firmware?
We provide the best custom features in the industry at rates better than any competitors.
Some of our functions and features include and are not limited to:
Overclocking beyond factory limitations
Support for immersion cooling
SSH port remap / reassignment
Bulk configuration over network
Mining profiles with undervolting and overclocking presets
Support for integration with Anthill, minerstat and
Based on CGminer - fully compatible and deeply integrated with Awesome Miner (wattage and voltage monitoring supported with accurate readings per miner)
Focus on uptime - no matter what, keep the miner hashing (broken chip, broken hashboard, broken fan - can still hash unlike stock firmware which sometimes halts operation)
Improved efficiency per chip and overall performance gain (15% common, with as much as up to 40% improvement in hashing efficiency in some miners)
Improved power consumption profile - consumes slightly less energy than stock firmware
Improved fan algorithm keeps your miners cooler and running longer, as well as protects them from heat related damage
Fan bypass for immersion (all fan checks disabled) and to allow mining with just 1 fan (if the second fan is broken)
Target chip temperature (change what temperature you want to keep your chips at)
Switch to enable special low power (LPM) mode that further reduces voltage by 0.6 - 1.6% per miner
Overclocking beyond factory limitations
Support for immersion cooling
SSH port remap / reassignment
Bulk configuration over network
Mining profiles with undervolting and overclocking presets
Support for integration with Anthill, minerstat and
Based on CGminer - fully compatible and deeply integrated with Awesome Miner (wattage and voltage monitoring supported with accurate readings per miner)
Focus on uptime - no matter what, keep the miner hashing (broken chip, broken hashboard, broken fan - can still hash unlike stock firmware which halts operation)
Improved efficiency per chip and overall performance gain (15% common, with as much as up to 40% improvement in hashing efficiency in some miners)
Improved power consumption profile - consumes slightly less energy than stock firmware
Improved fan algorithm keeps your miners cooler and running longer, as well as protects them from heat-related damage
Fan bypass for immersion (all fan checks disabled) and to allow mining with just 1 fan (if the second fan is broken)
Target chip temperature (change what temperature you want to keep your chips at)
Switch to enable special low power (LPM) mode that further reduces voltage by 0.6 - 1.6% per miner
Mining profiles and presets
Disable fan check
Regional settings
Chip auto-tuning
Miner locator feature (flashes red LED to locate)
Manual fan RPM configuration
Automatic profile switching based on chip temperature and fan RPM
Detailed logging of all functions and events
Manual per hashboard and per chip frequency and voltage control
DevFee country selector for lowering latency on network adapter
Miner locator feature (flashes red LED to locate)
Expanded TH presets give you plenty of undervolting and overclocking options to choose from
Bulk miner configuration tool built-in, password changer, SSH enable/disable and reassign SSH port
Built-in antivirus scanner (will detect fake system files, NightSwitcher virus, and will inform if AntBuild vulnerability is preset)
Automatic performance tuning called "chip auto tune" which determines the highest frequency a chip can handle without becoming unstable
Automatic restart if hashrate drops below "X" and if chain has "X" number of degraded chips
Granular fine tuning for customizing every aspect of your miner's functionality and performance
And much more...
Mining profiles and presets
Disable fan check
Regional settings
Chip auto-tuning
Miner locator feature (flashes red LED to locate)
Manual fan RPM configuration
Automatic profile switching based on chip temperature and fan RPM
Detailed logging of all functions and events
Manual per hashboard and per chip frequency and voltage control
DevFee country selector for lowering latency on network adapter
Miner locator feature (flashes red LED to locate)
Expanded TH presets give you plenty of undervolting and overclocking options to choose from
Bulk miner configuration tool built-in, password changer, SSH enable/disable and reassign SSH port
Built-in antivirus scanner (will detect fake system files, NightSwitcher virus, and will inform if AntBuild vulnerability is preset)
Automatic performance tuning called "chip auto tune" which determines the highest frequency a chip can handle without becoming unstable
Automatic restart if hashrate drops below "X" and if chain has "X" number of degraded chips
Granular fine tuning for customizing every aspect of your miner's functionality and performance
And much more...
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